Space Shuttle Videos


Space Shuttle Guided Experiences

The best way to learn the details about a new area is with a guide! The space history experts at the Cosmosphere share the stories and details of some of the artifacts. It's a perfect way to learn or to prepare for your visit in person!


Learn how the science of nutrition and food preparation technology combined to make the food on Space Shuttle missions and life aboard the ISS taste more like home. And home means different things depending on where each ISS team member is from. Learn what meal item Russians consider essential and NASA...not so much.

The Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVG) was used to regulate the body temperature of Shuttle astronauts while on spacewalks (EVAs). The Cosmosphere's curator, Shannon Whetzel explains.


For shorter manned space missions, personal waste containment devices and garments managed each astronaut's toileting needs, but onboard the Space Shuttle, a longer term solution was required. Still...nothing about going to the bathroom in space is easy!

STS-63 was a 1995 Space Shuttle mission which included significant firsts in space. Eileen Collins became the first woman Shuttle pilot, and Bernard Harris Jr. became the first African American astronaut to perform an Extravehicular Activity (EVA).

The Space Shuttle was the world's premiere reusable spacecraft, and was the first with a reusable heat shield. At the Cosmosphere, you can see several examples of the materials used on the Shuttle's heat shield.


Extravehicular Mobility Units, or EMUs, are what the astronauts since the Space Shuttle have used to work "outside" in space. Learn more about how the EMUs and the space suits function and how international cooperation continues to perfect the details required for working in space.

The T-38 has a long and storied history of use, both in the Air Force and at NASA. NASA has used them for astronaut transportation, weather observations, various flight test tasks, and more.